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Most of the supplements are a WASTE OF MONEY - PART 2

There are a small handful of supplements that actually are worth buying and using. They aren’t the sexy muscle building crap pushed by ‘roid monsters in the magazines, but they are scientifically proven to help you build muscle.

So, let’s go through the common types of supplements out there and look at what you should and shouldn’t spend your hard-earned cash on.

Protein Supplements
Protein is the nutrient most responsible for muscle growth and repair. Using protein supplements such as whey, egg, and casein powders isn’t necessary, but it is convenient.

Unless you are in the lucky position of being able to have whole food meals ready 4 – 6 times per day, you’re going to need to use protein supplements.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are the three “building blocks” of your body: leucine, „isoleucine, and valine. They make up about 35% of your muscle mass and must be present in the body for muscle growth and repair to occur.

While that description might lead you to assume that yes, you absolutely should be buying BCAA supplements...not so fast. Most whole food proteins are made up of about 15% BCAAs, and most protein supplements have BCAAs added, so when you’re eating enough protein, especially if you’re using protein supplements with BCAAs added, you’re getting enough BCAAs to meet your body’s demands.

So, don’t bother buying BCAAs unless you’re doing an abnormally high amount of muscularly strenuous activity each week, which puts incredibly high amino acid demands on the body (e.g., lifting weights five times per week and playing football three days per week for a couple of hours each day).

Creatine is an amino acid and decades of studies have proven that it’s a great strength and size booster with no negative side effects.

I definitely recommend supplementing with creatine.

Glutamine is the most abundant single amino acid in your body. It plays a key role in muscle growth.
Research has shown that lifting weights increases your body’s need for glutamine, and if you don’t provide it with enough, it will steal it from skeletal muscle tissue.

 Supplementing glutamine has also been shown to increase growth hormone levels.
This is a supplement worth buying and taking if your protein supplement doesn’t have any, or enough, added.

The above supplements are the most commonly advertised and sold. You will undoubtedly run across other types as you browse the shelves at your local supplement and vitamin store. Do your wallet a favor and skip ‘em all—especially the super-fancy sounding ones.
Most of the supplements are a WASTE OF MONEY - PART 2 Reviewed by Life Beauty Place on 4:38 AM Rating: 5

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